
    来源网站:http://gz.58house.com/   更新日期:2020-05-25  【举报删除

     广州市八千里货架有限公司是快消品店货架,NOME家居货架,伶俐饰品货架,名创优品货架,OCE生活概念馆,KKV生活集合店。实力源头厂家直销、量身定制、出口国外、原厂发货、一站式整店定制、一站式设计安装、工厂直销、超值性价比、实力厂家、免费平面布局!KKSV货架,FUNlink生活集合店,WESTlink生活集合店,THE BODY SHOP,shu uemura,NOME货架,MINISO名创,THE GREEN PARTY绿党!广州市八千里货架有限公司的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。
     Guangzhou Eight Thousand Miles Shelf Co. , Ltd. is a fast-food store shelves, NOME home shelves, jewelry shelves, famous excellent products shelves, OCE life concept hall, KKV life collection shop. Strength source factory direct sales, tailor-made, export abroad, original shipment, one-stop shop customization, one-stop design and installation, factory direct sales, value for money, strength factory
Home, free floor plan! KKSV Shelf, FUNlink Life Collection Shop, WESTlink Life Collection Shop, THE BODY SHOP, Shu uemura, NOME Shelf, MINISO NameGenesis, THE GREEN Party PARTY! Guangzhou City 8,000 miles of shelf Co. , Ltd. integrity, strength and product quality has been recognized by the industry. Welcome friends from all walks of life to visit, refer toto conduct business negotiations.
    KKV is mainly for the younger generation, with the store area of 1000 + m2, the largest of the three. It is worth mentioning that while KKV has a larger space, it also carries more diversified scene elements, that is, it has both overseas imports and the trend of new domestic products. Compared with the former two, it also has many new categories: practical clothing, mother and baby products, flowers and plants, pet products, special color and Cultural Games and dozens of sub categories, which only brings more refined lifestyle to users.
    The offline stores of KK pavilion have been extended into three types: Standard stores, black gold stores and flagship stores, of which KKV is mainly for young people.
本站网址:http://gz.58house.com/news/show-2361259.html 该信息由用户广州市八千里货架有限公司发布在最新仓储设备频道,内容中涉及的所有法律责任由此商家承担,请自行识别内容真实性!
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